Camoplast delivers traction with the revolutionary Ice Control Enhancement Technology series of tracks with sharp studs A turn-key solution to performance gains and safer riding with confidence from Camoplast, #1 in tractionIce Tech Series features and benefits: Factory Pre-Studded Technology, cost-effective and lightweight Ice Ripper TracksFeatures and benefits listed with the Ice Claw Track with a little bit extra lug design based from the high-performance Rip SawAll the traction benefits of a 1.25? lug plus 256 carbide-tipped inserted studs (136? L track has 288 studs)Studs are strategically placed in areas of the track to provide optimum traction performance and safety in all conditions and surfacesLightweight and fully punched; fully clippedIce Attack-Utilizing the sharp stud with a 33 scratch line pattern Ice Ripper XT-Factory pre-studded Ripsaw? derivative provides superior handling, acceleration, and braking on a wide variety of snow ice surfaces